How to: Add custom template to "Open lines in excel" for general journals (Part 2)
In my last post, I have shown how to update an existing document template. In this post, I will show how to add a new template to the General journal form. This requires X++ changes.
1. We will reuse the template created in the last post. In the Visual Studio project, add a new resource and select the template. It should like below:
2. Create a new class that extends DocuTemplateRegistrationBase and implements LedgerIJournalExcelTemplate like below. Copy the entire content of class 'LedgerDailyJournalExcelTemplate', Fix the compilations errors by replacing LedgerDailyJournalExcelTemplate with your class name and make changes as highlighted below:
Compile the project and reload the System document on the Document template form. You should see the custom template added and the same will be visible on General journals
Can we do this in F&O itself? Or we need to do this in visual studio only?